New Vaping Legislation a Win for Australian Children and Young People

26 Jun, 2024 | ACOSH Media Releases

Media Release Wednesday 26 June 2024

New Vaping Legislation a Win for Australian Children and Young People

The Australian Council on Smoking and Health (ACOSH) warmly welcomes today’s Senate decision to pass the Vaping Reforms Bill to protect our children and young people from nicotine addiction. The Bill, expected to be ratified unopposed in the Lower House, means that Australia will see an end to all sales of vaping products outside of pharmacies, and will include important changes to flavouring, nicotine content and packaging.

“This Bill is a vital step in the government’s continuing reforms on vaping, closing the loophole that let mislabelled vapes containing nicotine into the hands of our children and young people. The days of our kids walking past the local vape stores to and from school are about to end. This is a big win for the Australian community” said Laura Hunter Co-CEO of ACOSH.

“Equally, the importance of the change that vapes will undergo to restrict their flavours, design and amounts of nicotine cannot be understated. It will take away the appeal and availability that enticed our kids and got them hooked.”.

ACOSH is one of a nationwide coalition of health and community experts that have been united and unequivocal about the need to deal with the rapid uptake and nicotine addiction of young Australians.

“So many curve balls were thrown at the simple proposition that Australia should never compromise on the health and welfare of its young people, a no brainer that should have had enthusiastic bi-partisan support. We commend Minister Butler and his team who worked so long and hard to get this legislation across the line and ensure Australia remains global leaders in tobacco and vaping control”.

“We know there is still much to do, and the industry will continue to use dirty tactics to run interference and addict new generations of kids. Monitoring the amended legislation and making sure that enforcement is working is the next crucial task”.


ACOSH is an independent, non-government, not for profit coalition which represents 31 prominent health, research, social service and community organisations with a shared concern about smoking and vaping and their harmful consequences. ACOSH has been a leading advocate for all the regulatory and legislative changes to reduce the impact of smoking on the Australian community and is supported by the Healthway – the Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation.

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